Red Dead Redemption 2’s multiplayer mode has received its latest weekly update, adding new opportunities to earn rewards, the final seven days of Outlaw Pass No. 4, and 5000 XP for holders of the current season pass. Rockstar detailed all this and more in a new blog post that you can read the highlights of below.
Bounty Hunter Bonuses
All licensed Bounty Hunters will receive 2000 Role XP and double Role XP for completing any bounty this week, as well as 30% off any Established or Distinguished Bounty Hunter item. Legendary bounties will also earn players double the usual Ability Card XP and anyone turning one of these bounties in will also be rewarded with a gift of 25 Poison Throwing Knives and 100 rounds of Express Rifle AmmoCome from Sports betting site VPbet. Anyone with a Prestigious Bounty License can earn those bonuses on the following Infamous Bounties: